Trip to Malalo, January 1962

View of Malalo hill overlooking Huon Gulf with the church. Taken recently circa 2018.

Malalo as seen from the sea. Picture by MALUM NALU..jpg

Malalo hill as seen from the ocean

1962 January 19   to Estelle

Letter written by Ina Erickson from the Gurako Mission station to Durward and Estelle Titus Box 224 Route1, Carlos MN USA        received January 27th 1962.

Dear mom and dad,

Happy birthday dad, hope you aren’t freezing to death as we enjoy our nice warm weather. Al made his first mission trip with Fred Scherle. They had some pretty good mountains to climb but Al came through with flying colors. He actually gained 2 pounds. We surely are glad we don’t live on the coast or even at Malalo.  It was so hot. The kids both had such bad heat rashes especially Paula.

When we got back to Gurakor, the teachers told Al that there was going to be terrific fight at one of the villages. Seems as if all they are trying to do is find out just how far they can go, now that there is a new ‘Bingsu’. There was a man killed in a village near here and another got his head bashed in. All natives, of course.

We surely don’t like the Indonesian situation. Of course, they won’t stop with West New Guinea. Already they are criticizing the Australian government in their handling of New Guinea and they’ve been doing quite a good job here. Do pray that God’s will, will be done.

Tommy has another tooth and is working on another one. He was so crabby while we were at Malalo and I was about ready to give him away. We got to Lae about noon from Malalo by boat. Then we bought groceries in Lae. We started home about 3 PM and we were giving some native elders a ride, and when we got about 5 miles out when one of them remembered they had forgotten some his luggage at the guest house in Lae. So we had to turn around and go back. A missionary family invited us to stay for dinner. It was about 6:30 before we left again so we did not get home until 9 PM. Then I could not find the key. We looked and looked and finally had to rip a screen and go through a window. Later I did find the key. School will be opening the 1st of February. Al will be gone a lot so I guess I’ll have to teach English. If you can send me anything on teaching elementary English, I would appreciate it. Much rush before the mail leaves.

No, we have not gotten your packages yet. Paula and Tommy surely could use flannel jammies. The packages from Al’s folks arrived yesterday. It takes about 7 weeks or 2 months per package and letter to come through regular mail.

 Love Al, Ina, Paula and Tommy

MaloloYard-with Fred Scherle and Alvin Erickson.jpg

Malolo yard-with Fred Scherle and Alvin Erickson

Scherle, Fred. Missionary who talked dad into missions and was at Malalo.jpg

Fred, Edna and Jimmy Scherle. Missionary who talked dad into missions and was at Malalo for 14-15 years.

Ina had mentioned in previous letters about the desperate need of more English teachers at Gorakor. Looks like Estelle Titus responded and took action. Check out the following letter she received from global missions. Estelle’s profession was teaching and she was very intelligent, curious and observant. She would have made a wonderful teacher in Gurakor, I believe.

I believe that the reason that Estelle had not heard from Ina in early January was their trip to Malalo where Alvin went on a bushtrip with Fred Scherel.

Estelle and Durward Titus


“Greetings from the primitives and we who are losing our civilized ways fast.”


Christmas letter.All are very precious people.