Tommy broke his collar bone last Friday

1963 January 2
Letter written by Ina Erickson from the Malalo Mission station to Martin and Willa Tonn, Route 1, Box 224, Alexandria,MN

Dear mom and dad, Willa and Martin and family,

Happy New Year. We haven’t sent a Christmas letter yet as we wanted to describe Christmas at Malalo. So we decided to wait until after Christmas.
Your boxes arrived the weekend before Christmas. My goodness you really went all out. You really shouldn’t have done so much. But we did enjoy it. The records were so nice. Al really liked his records. We were appreciated the candy and is going to take a long on hikes. And the ball pump was real nice. The kids enjoy records and books. We haven’t opened all of the boxes yet, but, will do so gradually as I give the boxes to them. They loved the ball, and Paula had no slips so was wonderful to get one. I sure was blessed in that the clothes all fit very well. It was so fun to go to Lae on Monday and have such nice clothes to wear. Thanks loads for the undies and cosmetics. The duty just went up on cosmetics and jewelry -15% so I guess best not to send them. Sure appreciated them though.

The reason I am in Lae is that Tommy broke his collar bone last Friday. We set it and taped it at Malalo. But when I had a chance to come in and have a chance to get x-rays and a good support, I jumped at the chance. I don’t know what he did. I just noticed it was swollen when I felt it I could feel the bones grating together so I had to fix him up.

1962/63 Paula on the left and Tommy with his collarbone and left arm bound up.

The x-ray showed it was in good alignment for which I was very grateful. It should heal easily. I left Al at home with the two single teachers. Tomorrow, if I go home, I have to see the doctor again before I leave. We will be taking two more back with us on the Victor. They are planning to make a trip into the mountains for a week. Should be interesting. One is June Prange, the girl that wrote about ‘Christian’. By the way, Christian is now president of the council in our area. That is quite an honor and a big job plus being a church leader.

We love the jolly news that the Mission has spent $20-$30,000 over their budget so all will have to cut down spend in 10 to 15%. No more new missionaries for next year and no more building for next year I surely hope this doesn’t mean the beginning of the end of mission work. But if funds won’t come in New Guineans are too young to take over financially. Which could be good in the long run.

We love you all and thank you for a wonderful Christmas.
Love Ina.
June Prange.  Teacher/education. Started at Malalo. 1957-1960, 1962- 1973. 1981-1984.

Coast 1962

1963  January 30
Letter written by Ina Erickson from the Malalo Mission station to Martin and Willa Tonn, Route 1, Box 224, Alexandria,MN

Dear mom and dad, Willa, Martin and family

Happy birthday to dad and Beryl and Jenny. This year for sure I was going to get birthday greetings out on time but no such luck.

We had such a nice Christmas and appreciated all of your gifts so much. Oh how we love the Saint Olaf choir record. We put the puzzles together when the Fricke’s were here. I’ve been putting my clothes to good use as have the kids.

We still have some parcels stacked away, but the kids have been enjoying the sewing cards and that ring toy. Paula found a picture of it and Montgomery Ward catalog and gets so excited each time she sees it. They love the barns. The candy arrived in good shape but if we take it out of the plastic it melts really fast. All the pictures arrived of Beryl and Dan and makes me so lonesome. I think if we aren’t able to take a vacation pretty soon one or the other of us will have a nervous break down. We may be home sooner than you think. We hope to take one in March that is, if it doesn’t fall through again. We have learned never to count on anything here. Plans just have a way of getting messed up all the time. But really life isn’t so bad.

We love and appreciate your love, care gifts and prayers. We are so grateful for your support. The boat is coming and I want to mail this. Al left for a conference today. Maybe I can catch up our correspondence later.
Love Ina.

Paula and Tom 1963

February 4, 1963

Dear Beryl, Bruce and Danny,
We surely have enjoyed the pictures of Danny. He looks so content and happy. In the last letter from mother she said that you had gotten Danny into one of the hospitals. Maybe you could fill me in on the details huh?
The Scherle’s1 who are the missionaries that got  Al interested in New Guinea, were here for a few days after New Year’s. Jimmy their little boy loved being with all of his friends again. (they lived at Malalo for 15 years and then we took over last year). Fred has been having so much trouble with his back. The doctors here have decided to send them to Rochester Minnesota for surgery. I don’t know when he’ll be going but will be gone for three months at least. I don’t know if Edna will be going or not.
Ted Hilpert2, the single fellow who was going to school with Al last summer will also be returning to the states. He decided that he can use his talents best in the states. He had been offered a position with the chaplain at Fairview before he left so has inquired about the same position upon returning. He wants to continue with more school also. You may run into him and if you do you might get him to show you some of the slides and curios that he has collected here. He is planning to get married in December. I thought that Marilyn, his fiancé, would be coming with him to Malalo, but at the last minute there was a change of plans, per usual in New Guinea. And she went up to the conference to help prepare for it ahead of time.

Barb and Vince Fricke3 were here at the same time as Ted. So it was really like old times4. They still don’t have any children and are hoping and hoping that they will soon. They had a physical just before they came to Malalo and the doctor seem to think he found a cause which he gave them some pills for, so we will have to see if it helps.

Vince and Barb Fricki and Bob Jamieson

Thank you for your faithful letters. We pray God gives you strength each day knowing how difficult it will be to give Danny up for the months he hast to spend in the hospital. We will pray to that he can receive help and that God’s well might be done. He loves us so much and his desire is for our happiness and not our sorrow. All things do work together for God for those that love the Lord. His strength be with you each day.
Love Ina and the family.

1 Scherle Reverend Fred and Edna.  Evangelism and social concerns. 1946 -1967. 1972 -1981. They were stationed at Malalo from 1946 to 1961. Then at Mumeng.

2Hilpert, Reverend  Ted and Sharyn. Evangelism/ Seminary 1961-1962 and 1978-1989

3Fricke, Reverend Vince and Barb. Evangelism 1961-1974. Ponapa station

4 Oronsay Ship. Erickson’s boarded ship in San Francisco August 1961.  Other missionaries on the ship were Marty and Florence Heist, with their kids, Janet and Daniel. Some of the other missionaries with them on the ship, Vince and Barb Fricke and Ted Hilpert.

The ship sailed to Vancouver and then to Honolulu Hawaii and then to Fiji. They visited the  market which had lots of tables and wares. Paula got lost in a market in Fiji. It was wide and long and suddenly Ina suddenly realized Paula was gone. So, there was lots scurrying to find Paula. Vince and Barb Fricke and Ted Hilpert all helped to find Paula.

Weevil but we called them a kangaroo bug


Alvin hiked to the Buangs


Packing for Al’s bush trip