Grand Forks ND 1961 getting ready

Alvin spent the summer of 1961 in Grand Forks doing lingustic training and was there when Tom was born on July 8, 1961. He also met some others that would travel to Papua New Guinea at the same time. Ina moved with her parents Durward and Estelle Titus who lived near Alexandris- Carlos, MN

1961 June letter from Al in Grand Forks, ND who is studying linguistics before going to PNG

Dear Ina and Paula, and whoever else, (Ina pregnant with Tom)

Mommy has a precious little girl and daddy has a precious mommy. Thank you for your kind letters and understanding. Forgive me for living on that ungodly plane when things must go such and such before the day can be enjoyed. Let us live in the spirit where we are more than willing to go the 2nd mile.

I’m just getting ready to go to a test. Since I went to LSA last night, I’m not too ready for it. All has been going well except my phonetics. My worst weakness is being able to detect sounds when I hear them in a word.

We Lutherans are all planning to go somewhere this weekend. I will be coming home with Ted (Hilpert – seminary classmate who is also going to PNG). He will drop me off in Parkers Prairie sometime Friday evening. I will call you. Perhaps it would be best if you hadn’t come over that bumpy road again.

It will be wonderful to see Martin and Willa again and spend some days with my family. We won’t be going back until Tuesday night since we have Monday and Tuesday off.

One of the things going through my mind is this greatest of all sins – the sin of striving, and asserting ourselves. When the law comes, it, challenges us to strive to reach a position when we can boast. All of our energies under very  p---? cover strive for the goal the law places before us. And this situation we neither love nor work that way.

Completely apart from this is the gospel which proclaims the strife over, the law fulfilled – a new kind of law – the law of the spirit, he has sent one free, even an enemy, I am still his. God loves me and you and Paula and in baptism has really made us his own.

All my love, Al.

Estelle Titus with Ina Titus Erickson

1961 July 10 from Grand Forks

From Alvin Erickson, box K, university station, Grand Forks, North Dakota. To Durward and Estelle Titus, Carlos Minnesota.

Dear, Stella and Durward,
Made it safely and pleasantly back to school.1 That was more of a feat than you might think. I can easily see what such a weekend might have become. Looking back at the little time, crazy schedules, babysitting, visiting, working, meals, sleeping, church, -I kinda wonder how we got it all in.
One thing I know is that threaded through it was a great deal of patience, work, and forethought on your part. I was very much appreciated the ride you lined up, Durward, but it just didn’t seem to pan out for a good schedule. So all in all I thank you hardly for a very enjoyable weekend.

We had a very good rain here today. Hope you had the same. Classes are very much back on schedule.

Give my regards to the little girl staying there. I am sure she is giving you quite a time.
You have made his through the
Victory he bestows upon you. God be praised explanation.
Sincerely, your son Al.


1 Ina delivers Thomas on July 8th, 1961 so Alvin went to Alexandria for the birth and went back to Grand Forks.

9 July 1961 Tom is one day old

1961 July 17 from Grand Forks
Letter from Al Erickson from Grand Forks to Willa and Martin in Minneapolis. Willa is Ina’s sister

Dear Willa, Martin, Mickey, Lainey and Jenny,
Having picked out my best stationary for you[1], I will now give you the job of trying to decipher the following. Orchids, roses, gardenias, and sour grapes to you all. Just got back from Carlos when I got to see Tom, Paula and Ina but to my surprise also Beryl (Ina’s sister) and Bruce and of course we all stayed at the Titus Lodge and got royally entertained.
It is of a great urgency that we know something. We would very much like to have the two oldest Tonn’s be godparents or sponsors for our one and only little son, Tom. We would be very pleased if you would accept this burden of responsibility as from the Lord of grace and signify such, by a quick note back. It is our hope that you will receive this request as a token of our love and trust as a share in our joy in God ‘s adoption, and as a new binding factor between our two families. There’s something urgent, is information which will make possible a certain date convenient to all. The most logical place for the baptism is Carlos. When can you be there? I will probably not be able to be there either 30 July, August 13 or 20th or after that. Possibly I could make it one of the Sundays in August 13 or 20th. Ina will be coming down to get some more stuff packed. It will all have to be shipped about August 1. As you can see timing and people schedules have become quite important so why don’t you send me a makeshift idea of what you’re going to be doing the next 40 days. (I’m not interested in your predicted bathroom schedule.)
Having just found out I will not be preaching in North Dakota on July 30 and also finding out my Shakopee friends (Vince and Barb Fricke) will be going to Minneapolis this weekend. There is a very good possibility we will all be down this coming weekend. I don’t know for sure but here are the ways things might shape up.
Friday, leave here about 1:30 daylight time. Pick up kids and leave Alexandria 6:15 PM daylight savings time arrive at your place 10:30 PM.
Saturday pack and make some other arrangements.
Sunday leave about 1 PM. We will leave barrels with you to take to downtown Minneapolis. It will take two trips. Vince Fricki will also leave one barrel at your home. We will see how all this works out.
Cigars and love Al.

P.S. Should we bring the Ford to your place?

[1] Written on general lined notebook paper

1960 Willa and Martin Tonn with Michelle, Elaine and Jennifer

Paula Erickson Bergs Summer of 1961

1961 July or August from Al in Grand Forks, ND

Dear Ina, Paula and Tommy – mom and all her kids.

I hope all are doing fine. Looking forward to hearing from you how you feel about the coming weekend. The letter, including Kate came. I think it would be good to have her up for a weekend, but not with Ted. Will try to call her if we get to the cities. Let us make some kind of schedule of people to see and places to go and things to get done.

Tonight is LSA and I’m supposed to help lead a discussion on the emerging conflict between the east and the west. Hope we can get something worthwhile going. Last night our dormitory went down to defeat at the hands of the old men. We were really a bunch of mud claws.
Been trying to work something up for the missionary magazine. It’s really hard to put something in a few words.
How’s little Tom? Getting plenty- to keep him going? Kisses to big Puasha -so cute.
Invaded by God through Jesus Christ, we stand reconciled to him by that active free race, namely, through life of vital obedience, suffering, trust and love for the service of us all even-even onto death. Let us therefore lay aside are striving, for God‘s love has undergirded us. Let us let Jesus worry about our guilt and sin. Let us die in Jesus, but we have to die through baptism and let us put on the newness of life which is ours through the resurrection, becoming ours and baptism. Let us joyfully bear. The burden of others for our burdens have been lifted. God himself has done it. Love to you and my wonderful ones.
P. S. Thank you, Ina, my love, for being such a wonderful wife to me always – for your affection and encouragement, help, and companionship. I love you truly.

1961 Summer Ina Erickson, Katy, Paula and Estelle Titus. Katy Miller, Ina’s classmate at Fairview nursing school.

1961 July 18

Letter from Ina Erickson from Alexandria, Minnesota, to Martin and Willa Tonn in  Minneapolis.

Dear Willa, Martin and family,

Everyone is still alive here even if we are all silent. We had such a pleasant surprise this weekend. First, Beryl and Bruce arrived about 11 PM. Then Al called from Detroit Lakes saying he would be in Parkers in about an hour. It was good to see all again.

We had begun to think Beryl and Bruce had died or something. Beryl was so tired. I just wonder if Enavid 1 or whatever you call those pills are making her so. Mother, of course was very concerned.

I’ll be down one of these weeks, maybe mother and I will drive down with the kids and finish off the odds and ends.

You will probably be getting a letter from Al asking if you and Martin would please be sponsors for Tommy. Maybe you and Al could work out a weekend.

Mother and I surely do have the diapers today. We managed to get Paula to go on the potty four times. She stays dry longer and longer.

Tommy has been real good today. He slept between feedings and goes back to sleep after eating. We had him at the Park on Sunday. Then Sunday evening he was real fussy and filled his pants many times so I guess his outings will be limited as long as possible.
Mom has been her usual busy self. Never can relax a moment. She was supposed to go to the hospital for x-rays tonight for her stomach, but had to see if I’ve had made an appointment. She took supper out to dad and hasn’t returned so maybe she is having them.

Bette and Frank seem so happy with her home and him working. He likes the gas station quite well. Says he enjoys having dinner and supper ready for him when he gets home.
I sure miss Al and I’m glad he’s been able to make it home as often as he has. Write.

Love, Ina, Paula, and Tom.

Bette, Ina’s very close cousin. They are like sisters. Bette’s new husband Frank Reynolds and Bette’s parents Lois and Claude Jackson. Claude is Ina’s mothers (Estelle) brother.

1 Birth Control Pill Enovid 55 Year Anniversary | TIME Birth control used in the early 1960’s


JUNE 23, 2015 12:00 PM EDT

Beryl (Ina’s sister) and Bruce Westphal August of 1961

1961 August 3 to Estelle

Letter written by Ina Erickson from Grand Forks North Dakota to Durward and Estelle Titus Box 224 Route1, Carlos MN USA 

Dear mom and dad,

The weather has been real warm and not too uncomfortable though, as we have, a rather cool room. Al babysat this morning so I could go to the chapel. The choir had sort of a concert. Ted Hilbert[1] sings in the choir. It sounded so great. I enjoyed being able to go.
On Thursday we took the Fricki’s for a ride in our wonderful Ford. We drove down by the Red River, where there is a dam, and a park. It was really very nice. This is Al’s test week so I just see him coming and going, then in the evening, he goes to the library to study.

  The kids have been pretty good. Paula has gone and sat on the potty by herself several times. I have to be quick to get her pants down. This morning she did have a BM on the potty as well. On Tuesday she had her pants off after going tinkle and then BM on the floor. Evenings though, neither one of them wants to settle down very badly. Paula gets fussy about 7:00 PM so I bathe her and put her to bed, but it’s about 9 o’clock before she settles down. Tommy has decided this is a good time to be awake and doesn’t like to be awake lying down.

I haven’t heard from Helen and Chuck so I don’t know yet about being home next weekend. I want to catch the mail, love and prayers. Say hi to Marion’s and thanks for sending the thank you note and for Beryl’s letter. I don’t seem to be getting any reading or sewing done.

 We love you Al, Ina, Paula and Tom

[1] Ted Hibert was a classmate with Alvin Erickson at Luther seminary. Fred Scherle, New Guinea Missionary who was on furlough while Alvin Erickson and classmates were seniors at Luther Seminary. He had the talent of a salesman and convinced 4 of the seniors to go to PNG -Papua New Guinea. He recruited Alvin Erickson, Dave Huff, Ted Hilpert and Bob Jamieson.

1961 August 25 from a train from Grandforks to Fargo.
Letter written by Alvin Erickson to Martin and Willa in Minneapolis Minnesota.

Dear Martin, Willa and kids,

Congratulations to the new godparents. We are so glad to have Tom’s soul surrounded by Christian love. We covered your prayers for him, and for our labors, that the gospel of our Lord might be proclaimed in love and truth.

By now you have maybe noticed my handwriting is worse than usual, if that’s possible. I’m riding on a train to Fargo. Yes this means I’m through with school. Here is the scoop.

When last Sunday afternoon, we took so long about making decisions after the canceled reservation, it was because it was a big decision. I was thinking of quitting school and taking Ina and the kids to Montana. As you can imagine, quitting school almost makes for more problems than it’s worth. Anyway, I came back to Grand Forks and this week have been going to such a pace that here on Friday, all through, but a paper. Now home to Montana, where I really feel I belong. I have really learned quite a bit though about language.

As we have said ‘goodbye’, it does not mean for us complete separation. I hope that with letters and the tape recorder, we can keep up some of the wonderful relationship we have had. In your own humble way you have helped us bear some of the heaviest burdens. And I don’t mean the barrels. We continue to look to you with respect for the encouragement and calm you have given our young hectic lives and promise our prayers for your lives. That they may be filled with the power and mercy of he who died, and risen for us through all eternity.

Sincerely, Al and all.

 Alvin bought the barrels in St Paul and we used them to ship back seashells and artifacts from Papua New Guinea. Paula sold them in 2020.

Tom Erickson Baptism with Donald and Mrs Hefley.jpg

Tom Erickson Baptism

with Donald and Mrs Hefley

1961 August, probably Toms baptism. Alvin, Ina, Paula and Tom

1963 Paula Tom Kristin Ponapa Station Vince and Barb Fricke.jpg

Vince and Barb Fricki early 1964 at Ponapa, New Guinea with Paula Tom and Kristin.

Alvin and Vince went to linguistic class in Grand Forks North Dakota, Summer of 1961 together.  They traveled with the Erickson’s on the ship (Oronsay) from San Francisco Vancouver to Sydney Australia.  They and the Erickson hit it off on the ship and became good friends during their stay in PNG. We visited Ponapa when Kristin was a baby so early 1964. See photos. While we where there, Vince and Alvin went on a bush trip that for many days. They walked about 11 hours a day. Alvin was not as tired as the trips from Malalo. They came out of the mountains and reached road, Alvin wondered why they did not have a vehicle. They stayed at a place off the road. A local brought a sleeping mat that was full of bedbugs. So, they shook out all the bed bugs.

Much later, met them in Iowa in 2019 during a tournament that Drake University was in. Granddaughter Monica Burich was playing in the Tournament.

Vince and Barb Fricki and Bob Jamison in 1961 in the Twin Cities








At last…the journey begins.


Minneapolis 1961 getting ready