Boy, is Tom a typical boy.



1962 June 21, to Willa.

Letter written by Ina Erickson from the Malalo Mission station to Martin and Willa Tonn, 10316 Grand Ave, Minneapolis 20, Minnesota, USA

Dear Willa, Martin and family

Martin, you are so silent. We’d like to hear from you also once in a while. Thank you Willa for keeping the letters coming. We both look forward to getting them.
Thanks for sending the things we ordered and for all the presents. Do you know that our kids won’t know what a bottle of milk looks like? She loves filling it up and stringing all the toys together. She is so hard to entertain, as she gets bored so easily. We haven’t given Tommy his kangaroo yet, but he still getting teeth and so would love to have something to chew on.

Finally, both of the kids sleep all night, it’s always a surprise to wake up and have slept all night. Thanks for the pudding and cake mix. Cherry was so thoughtful since we don’t have them here.

I’ll have to tell you a joke on Al. Better not tell him I told you because he’s a little embarrassed. You know what a ‘Jew’ he is at heart.  Well he was looking through the missionary supply order and found this terrific bargain on suitcases. Boy he was telling me what nice presents they would make. He was so excited about it. Then we got a letter saying they were sorry he misunderstood, but the $2.50 on those suitcases were just the tax not the price.

Did Elaine have her operation? Poor child, I can remember mine and it wasn’t a picnic. Hope that takes care of some of the colds, at least she won’t have mumps with it.

Somebody brought us some fresh pineapples and boy they were God. I remember having some at Fairview, but it was so sour I did not like it, but these were very good and so juicy and sweet. They were big ones weighing 4 pounds each.

Pineapple grew everywhere

Boy, is Tom a typical boy. He relishes pulling the cats tail. He plays and plays with the cats until he sees his chance to grab that tail and pulls for all his worth, until the cat nip him on the hand and then he lets go-but not for long. He has discovered how to climb up in the big chair, then he stands up with his arms outstretched for someone to catch him as he stands near, and much too near the edge. He hasn’t fallen yet, but I about have a heart attack every time I see him do this. Then he always has to empty the cupboard or throw toothbrushes in the toilet or eat everything in sight, be it grass, leaves, BM or food. I just get him out of the box and he goes merely into something else. One morning I had put him on the veranda to play and about 15 minutes later one of the girls as she looked out from the front porch, here comes Tommy. He had crawled down the veranda as someone left the gate open, down the back and all the way around the house to the front porch. He will grab a hold of my dress and follow me around. Paula is almost an angel compared to Tommy.

Paula and Tom sitting next to the water tank. our Main source of water came from catching the rain from the roof where the gutters collected and drained into this tank. Any water that was to be drunk had to be boiled for at least 10 minutes. That was put in a refrigerator. We never never drank water strait from the faucet. Water had to be heated up for bathing.

Paula acts so grown up. Tommy often loses his diaper and Paula will go out and get a ‘bung’ which is her word for pants for him, or help set the table, pick up the toys, throw tantrums, push Tommy down, help wash clothes that are clean and dry but not put away. Enough of complaints of the children. They keep me out of mischief.

 This week and we are planning on going down the coast for a baptism. They usually are such big affairs. I don’t know if there will be two or 100. They have white dresses and grease sticks which are candles. We will stay overnight at the sawmill in Sawet. They were the ones that were here for Easter. Sawet is 3-4 hours away by boat.

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Sawet sawmill. Run by Peter and Evelyn Beck

Al is working on a highchair for Tommy. He has it sawed out now but needs to get it together, if he can stay home long enough. One night just after we crawled into bed, Al said he could smell something awful. I said I could smell it earlier but I couldn’t find it. Finally, he smelled under his armpits and all was one of his armpits horrid. So he went and took a shower. He came back and sniffed and here was that smell again. So with further searching I found a dirty diaper under his pillow. I sure don’t know how I could have put it there. The life I have -a family.

Thanks again so much for sending our things and for the gifts. The material is such a nice light cotton which is so good for a skirt. Thanks so much for your thoughtfulness. We surely miss you. May the love of our Lord Jesus Christ be ever near you and surround you. That each day may have many meanings.
I bet Mickey is enjoying being able to run free now school is out so she’ll be anxious to get into it again.
Love Al, Ina, Paula and Tommy.

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Malalo house front porch and steps where alot of photos are taken

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Malalo house veranda

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Back of Malolo house with veranda, steps and watertank


Al had a forceps and was helping to hold the suture tight as I sewed…


Al went to a large baptism, confirmation and communion service yesterday.